Monday, March 21, 2011


That is the word of the day.

It's such a horrible word, one I hate.  Feeling frustrated is not something I enjoy and certainly not something those around me like me to feel.  Because as much as I try not to take my frustration out on someone else, it's sometimes hard to do and a little slips out.

Two weeks ago we had the new IEP meeting for my oldest son who suffers from speech issues, mostly being able to communicate clearly what it is that he is trying to say.  Part of the IEP, recommended that we have him tested for CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder).  I called almost right away about getting him an appointment.  Last week we received the paperwork to fill out and along with it was a note that said that they do NOT bill the insurance for two parts of the testing and that we would have to pay out of pocket for the test, to the tune of $285-$500.  So not cheap and payment is due at the time of the testing, no payment plans.  We also have to call the insurance company and ensure that they will pay for other parts of the testing too so the amount paid out of pocket could go up.  A lot.....  And no one seems to be able to tell us what the pluses are to having him tested, other than they'll know more of what they are dealing with.  They can't tell us what they will be able to do for him.  It's all a little frustrating.

For now, I just want to crawl into bed, have a good long cry and go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Fever

I LOVE spring.  To me there is nothing better than warmer temperatures after living in what feels like an igloo all winter long.  No longer needing to fill my oil tank makes me happy too.

Then there are the flowers just starting to bloom, buds just starting to come out on the trees and one of my favorites-the buds emerging from my lilac bushes, meaning, I'll soon smell the beautiful scent of lilacs each morning.

There is also the thrill of laundry hanging on my clothes lines outside, the feel of the cool breezes as they blow threw my open windows during the day and sneaking open my window at night, hoping my husband doesn't notice and complain about the cold.

And who could forget, the joy of seeing my kids outside in something other than snow pants, heavy coats and boots?  What a sight to see them running around, digging in my garden, swinging on the swing set and begging me to jump on the trampoline with them.  Then there are the bike rides and mini-soccer games and soon baseball practice and baseball games.

There is also my second favorite holiday-Easter.  The ultimate sacrifice that could be made was made for me and for you on that day.  I look forward to watching the sun rise as we sing hymns during our sunrise Easter service.

Ahhh.....How I LOVE spring and all that spring brings, even the rain (hey, it means it's not snowing right?) and my sneezing husband.