One horrible, horrible day changed the way we all view life in general.
I, as well as so many other people, remember vividly what we were doing when we heard about that first plane being used a bomb to kill so many.
I was working at Kmart in Hershey, PA as the department manager of infants, kids and menswear. I had moved a very tall ladder and knocked one of our infant signs off the ceiling, when one of my co-workers came up to me and told me that a plane flew into the WTC. I thought, hmm, how could you not see that huge building. It wasn't much later when I heard that another plane went into the other tower, then the pentagon and finally into a field in Shankesville PA. I remember at some point talking to my husband about it and then going to 'lunch' at 10 and calling my mom shortly after Tower 2 fell. I remember talking to my mom and watching Tower 1 falling and not realizing it was live TV I was watching because they had been rerunning Tower 2 falling so much. After that I remember living in a stunned state of mind, wondering why someone would be so evil to do something like this. I really feel this was my long road back to God.
I remember my parents saying how thankful they were that we no longer lived in NJ (minutes outside of NYC). I also remember how beautiful that skyline was when we had left Jersey for the last time in March of that year. I can't wait to visit again after the Freedom Tower is built. I hear that it has been making some great progress and there are actually several floors up already.
Here is a beautiful pic of the skyline I found online:
Aren't those towers beautiful?
Here is a similar view from after
And another one with the beautiful lights pointing to Heaven where the towers once stood
In Memory to all who gave their lives that day and those who are still giving their lives even now, 9 years later. Thank You!!!!
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