Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sexiest Man Alive?

It appears that the latest talk other than Gen Patraeus' affair (a whole other topic but related to this) is the cover on the new People magazine-Sexiest Man Alive-Channing Tatum. I couldn't even begin to tell you who he is other than an actor. Don't ask me what he's been in because I won't be able to answer you.

Looking at his photo from, do I think he's the sexiest man alive? No. Do I think he's good looking? Sure, but you won't find me oogling over him-or anyone else who is famous for that matter.


Matthew 5:28 says- 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

I find that the verse also applies to women lusting after men. If I find a man sexy and I dream of being with him-I'm committing a sin and not honoring my husband or my wedding vows. Lust can destroy a marriage. 

You may not think that thinking someone other than your spouse is sexy can hurt anything but it can. It starts as a look, thinking someone is hot, sexy, good looking and it can work up to lust which can then blossom into unfaithfulness and possible divorce. It may not happen with that star you think is sexy but believing that is looking at a star as sexy can cause you to wonder closer to home. Why give into the temptation? Why take the chance?

If you are interested in learning more on the destructiveness of Lust, take some time to listen to this Family Life podcast.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 4-There is always an excuse

I hate to exercise. To me it's boring...really not fun and a waste of my time. I'm so busy...I get up, get the kids off to school, start working, take a lunch, work some more, make supper, get the kids cleaned up, kids to bed and then it's my bed time. I don't have time to exercise.

Yesterday, our Pastor said-You have time to do whatever you want to do. It's true. I do. I have time to exercise, I just chose not to most days.

I did manage to squeeze in some this weekend. we walked around the mall-it wasn't a fast pace but it was more than I do some days. I also played some football with my kids. What a great reminder about why I need to exercise. Man am I out of shape.

Tonight I could exercise...but instead I'm here blogging-great excuse right? Ok, it's not and I am getting off here to go exercise. My husband may not be home but I'm still making an effort to exercise tonight. Thanks to my boys for entertaining their sister so I can.

Weekly goals

I didn't do so well last week on my goals. I started out strong and then I fell flat and didn't pick it up.

Here are my goals for this week

  • Read one chapter from the Bible each morning
  • Read one chapter from The Bible Questions book
  • Exercise three time this week
  • Eat healthy
  • Drink more water
  • Track my calories

I narrowed the list a little this week. I may have tried to do too much last week-overwhelming myself.

Here's to a better week.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Post Election 2012- One way you can make a difference

The video below is from Inter-denominational Disaster Relief through NaLEC. And organization based out of the Bronx in NYC. They are collecting and distributing supplies for those affected by Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy.

If you are in central PA and would like to donate-you can drop off supplies (water, baby supplies, hygiene products, bleach, blankets, etc) at Christ Wesleyan Church in Milton M-F 8-5 or Sunday mornings. Monetary donations are also being accepted.

Our country needs to know that we can rely on each other for their needs when disasters happen. Why wait for the government to help, when WE can.

I am helping out-won't you?

Day 1 on my weight loss goal

I am excited to report that I did well on day 1 of my weight loss journey. I probably could have done better had I made a healthier choice at Burger King yesterday but overall, I did well. I managed to put in a half hour of wii fit exercise last night. I didn't do a lot but what I did do made me realize even more how important this journey is for me and my family.

Many, many years ago, I was a skinny girl who was able to eat anything and everything and not gain weight. Back then I was a lot more active than I am today. I had a retail job where I was on the go for 8 hours of the day. I also hadn't been through 3 full pregnancies and the heartache of 2 miscarriages. How I could even had thought at 130-140 lbs that I was fat, is beyond me but I did think I had a belly. Ha, how naive I had been.

Some ask why I want to lose weight-I want to be healthy for my kids and my husband. I want to be around for a long time to enjoy my family and with genetics already against me, do I really need my weight to be against me too?

What am I going to do to lose weight? Eating healthier-a more balanced diet and exercise. There are many weight loss programs out there-many that will offer you a quick way to lose weight, but I want to do it naturally. I want it to be a life long change. 

At lunch yesterday, I told my husband and kids my plans and they were supportive. I told them that for a half hour each night that my husband is home, I would like to spend it exercising. Last night when I said it was time to exercise, the kids set up the wii for me, they did some of the activities with me and they even offered me tons of encouragement. It made this mom very happy :)

Day 2 is here and while my husband isn't home tonight, I do have the day off, as do the boys, so I think I'll be able to get at least a half an hour in of some form of exercise-maybe we'll rake the leaves today. I can baby wear and rake-that has to be good for burning calories right?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today I vow to obey and lose

I feel that God has been calling me for a while now to lose weight and to blog about it. I have no idea why, nor do I know how he will use it to make a difference. All I know is its time for me to listen-so here goes.

This number I am about to give is horrible, it's not one I share with just anyone and one I don't ever want to admit is mine. I don't even like that my husband knows it and we don't have secrets.

I do think that in order for me to be honest and to share I have to admit what that number is-ready??

205-my weight as of this morning.
150- my goal weight
1 1/2 lbs my goal to lose each week
July 2013- when I should be able to meet my goal.

Will you join me in this journey? Will you support me in this journey?

Post Election 2012-How can you make a difference?

I will admit up front, I was disappointed with the outcome of the presidential election this year but not really surprised. As a conservative Christian, I can see that our country is turning away from God and denying many of the founding principals that our Founding Fathers stood for and created our country around.

Last evening our small young marrieds group at church saw the I am second video from Mike Huckabee. In the video he talks about his bid for president in 2008 and how he dealt with the loss. It's a good video and I encourage you to take 4 minutes and watch it. After watching the video we had a great discussion on the election on Tuesday and the outcome of it and what we as Christians should do from here. It sure gave me a lot to think about on the way home.

After a lot of thinking, my question to you is this-What can you do to better this country? I think if you are a Christian, the first thing you need to do is pray about it and then grab your Bible and ask God to show you what you can do.

For some of you, that might mean running for a public office, for others it could mean volunteering some place, for others it might mean praying more.

What can we as Christians do? Here are a few things that came to mind last night-

Are you pro-life and would like to support and bring more awareness? Here are a few suggestions on how to do that- Become a foster parent. Volunteer at a Pregnancy Care Center. Donate items to Pregnancy Care Centers, homeless shelters, women's shelters, etc. Consider adopting a child and look into Christian agency to help with that-there are many out there.

Are you for the marriage between one woman, one man? Attend a Weekend to Remember conference. Start a marriage group in your church or community. Pray for couples in your church and around the nation and the world. Be an example to others around you with your own marriage. Love your spouse as God loves the church.

Do you not like all the violence, sex and immorality on TV? Make a big statement by turning off the TV. Support Christian movies-there are many, many out there-by viewing one in the theaters, buying the DVDs, inviting friends and families to view them with you. Support Christian based TV stations-yes there are such stations out there-by watching programming they air.

Do you have a passion for children? They are our future!! Volunteer!! It's one of the biggest things you can do! There are so many organizations out there where you can volunteer-Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Church, Sunday School, Big Brother/Big Sister, foster parents, and the list goes on.

There are so many ways that you, your families and your churches can step up and make a difference in our country. It doesn't have to be all about politics, it can be about God and what he has called each of us to do.

How will you make a difference? Do you have other suggestions that I did not list? Please feel free to share them in the comments below.

Take some time today to pray and read through the Word and see what God has for you to do for Him and His glory.

Ephesians 1:18-
18I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of November 5th -Goals

I follow several blogs where the owners/writers set goals for themselves. Different things they'd like to see accomplished that week. I like goals. I like seeing a list of things to do that I will do and watching them be crossed off as the goal is accomplished. I'm just really bad at writing out those lists.

Today, I am setting some goals for this week and we'll see by Sunday how I do.

My goals

  • Read at least 1 Chapter of the Bible each day 
  • Spend time in prayer each day 
  • Read at least 1 Chapter of The Bible Questions each day 
  • Read at least 3 chapters of The Happy Housewives 
  • Spend time with my kids-no yelling, no fighting, no arguing-just being each day 
  • Clean one room each evening, maintaining other rooms 
  • Do at least one load of laundry each day completely 
  • Exercise at least 3 days this week 

I'll update either Sunday evening or Monday as to how I did on these goals-please keep me in check with this. I really need to follow through on each item.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Goodbye my friend

It seems like only yesterday, we went to the Humane Society to find a dog to love. But it was really 11 years, 1 month and 3 days ago.

You were the most beautiful dog of them all, so we brought you home to live with us as our dog-our first baby. We did so much together-walks, car rides, snuggle times.

You were there when the Towers fell on that fateful day in September-nearly 6 months after we brought you home.

You were there and shared our excitement when we got our first BFP and you were there several weeks later when those dreams were turned upside down and I miscarried. You were there beside me through the pain and sorrow.

You were there the following year when we got another BFP, moved to a new home, built a fence for you and your new companion Spot and brought home our first son-Benjamin.

You were there two years later when we again got another BFP and brought home our second son-Levi.

You were there again two years later we moved again into our new home and again you managed the change with patience and love.

You were there again last month when we brought home our first daughter-Rebekah.

Through all those changes you were so patient, so loving and just you.

There are so many things I will miss-trash all over the floor, barking at the garbage men and anyone that stopped within 100 feet of our house, reminding you that it's just a thunderstorm and it would be ok, your happy face when we came home but the thing I will miss most is just you. You were my best friend, my protector, my girl.

I love and miss you my sweet, precious Sadie Dog.