I will admit up front, I was disappointed with the outcome of the presidential election this year but not really surprised. As a conservative Christian, I can see that our country is turning away from God and denying many of the founding principals that our Founding Fathers stood for and created our country around.
Last evening our small young marrieds group at church saw the I am second video from Mike Huckabee. In the video he talks about his bid for president in 2008 and how he dealt with the loss. It's a good video and I encourage you to take 4 minutes and watch it. After watching the video we had a great discussion on the election on Tuesday and the outcome of it and what we as Christians should do from here. It sure gave me a lot to think about on the way home.
After a lot of thinking, my question to you is this-What can you do to better this country? I think if you are a Christian, the first thing you need to do is pray about it and then grab your Bible and ask God to show you what you can do.
For some of you, that might mean running for a public office, for others it could mean volunteering some place, for others it might mean praying more.
What can we as Christians do? Here are a few things that came to mind last night-
Are you pro-life and would like to support and bring more awareness? Here are a few suggestions on how to do that- Become a foster parent. Volunteer at a Pregnancy Care Center. Donate items to Pregnancy Care Centers, homeless shelters, women's shelters, etc. Consider adopting a child and look into Christian agency to help with that-there are many out there.
Are you for the marriage between one woman, one man? Attend a Weekend to Remember conference. Start a marriage group in your church or community. Pray for couples in your church and around the nation and the world. Be an example to others around you with your own marriage. Love your spouse as God loves the church.
Do you not like all the violence, sex and immorality on TV? Make a big statement by turning off the TV. Support Christian movies-there are many, many out there-by viewing one in the theaters, buying the DVDs, inviting friends and families to view them with you. Support Christian based TV stations-yes there are such stations out there-by watching programming they air.
Do you have a passion for children? They are our future!! Volunteer!! It's one of the biggest things you can do! There are so many organizations out there where you can volunteer-Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Church, Sunday School, Big Brother/Big Sister, foster parents, and the list goes on.
There are so many ways that you, your families and your churches can step up and make a difference in our country. It doesn't have to be all about politics, it can be about God and what he has called each of us to do.
How will you make a difference? Do you have other suggestions that I did not list? Please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Take some time today to pray and read through the Word and see what God has for you to do for Him and His glory.
Ephesians 1:18-
18I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
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