Saturday, April 10, 2010

The joys of parenthood

Most days I love being a mom.

Wednesday I had to be the mom that most children don't like, especially my children: The Mean Mom.

You know the Mean Mom.  The one who makes their child's life miserable.  Yep that was me.

My kids have had it really nice when it comes to cleaning and picking up after themselves, but there comes a time when it's their turn to pick up and clean. 

Let's start with Tuesday.  They both had off school for their Easter/Spring break.  I gave each a specific chore to do in relation to their bedroom and their playroom.  They were given a time limit because let's face it, they do dawdle and take their time otherwise.  They each came to me and told me their chore was completed.  So like a good mom, I stopped working, got up and went to check.  Nope not done.  Told them what still needed to be done and left them to do it.  They both came to me, told me it was done.  Again I stopped working, went to check, still not done.  Gave them one last chance to finish it.  Yet again it still wasn't done. 

So frustrated me said, fine, either this all gets done by you or mom will do it and you won't have any toys to play with.  You would think that would get them moving.  Nope, they chose to play instead.

This leads to Wednesday, the day they both go back to school and my day off.  I chose to clean their playroom.  Took trash bags with me and filled 4 of them full of trash, Kids meal toys, broken toys and food wrappers.  I separated all their toys according to what they are: cars, soldiers, blocks, Mr. Potato Head, etc.  I went to pick up Levi at preschool and off to Kmart we went for totes.

After getting the totes and the few other items we needed, we head home and I got all the toys into the totes and to the attic and it was time to tackle the food stains on the floor.  For two little boys that are not allowed food in their playroom, I sure found enough banana peels and apples cores laying around as well as smooshed bananas and a rotten apple on the floor.  I got those cleaned up and their playroom is now done.

They were allowed 5 toys each to be left out to play with.  Everything else is now up in the attic waiting to be earned back.  I have a feeling quite a few will be sent to Goodwill or another thrift store. 

We are now on the 'Listen to Mom and Dad or lose privileges' system.  I will only speak once (twice if I honestly believe they didn't hear me the first time) and if they don't do as I ask, they lose the wii, tv, their power wheels, bikes, or outside time.  So far neither are allowed wii or power wheels until maybe tomorrow.

They do have the option of earning back their privileges the day if they listen and do as I ask.  I think it's only fair that they are rewarded for their good behavior but it has to be exceptional.

Now to get daddy to understand and get on board all the way with this :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

A forecast of the summer to come?

Right now the sun is shining and it's a beautiful 73 degrees out with a slight breeze.  If it weren't for the fact that I'm working I'd be outside planting, cleaning up flower beds, riding bike or just enjoying the sun.

I offered to sit in the utility room to work so that the boys could enjoy the sun and play outside.  I even gave them part of the garden that's not planted yet to dig in.  They were outside for maybe 20 minutes before the bees got them.  Ya know, when the bees fly around looking for flowers or searching to find their new home, not minding anyone around them, just flying.  I don't even think they were that close to the boys either.  From the looks of it, they were at least 5+ feet away but apparently that was too close.

So now they are in the house bored out of their minds, and trying to make me yell.  They're mad because they're not allowed TV or WII.  Afterall, why should you be stuck in the house playing video games and watching TV if it's so nice out?

This is only day 2 of the 6 days of spring vacation and already, they're driving me batty.  I sure hope this isn't the forecast for what it will be like come summertime.  I may need a padded room if it is.